Wednesday, September 29, 2010

OU Weekend!

Hey Texas fans! Come hang out with us as we spread UT Pride around Dallas this weekend! Here's our schedule:

Friday October 1:
8:00            Turn your radios up, because we'll be performing on the Kidd Kraddick in the Morning show!
2:00            Galleria
3:30            North Park Mall (We will be in the “North Court” area which is located directly in between Nordstrom and Macy’s on the 1st level!)
8:00            Texas Exes Bash Before the Clash at the Iron Cactus
8:45            West End

Saturday October 2:
12:00          State Fair of Texas
2:30            Texas/OU Kickoff!

Check us out on Twitter (@LonghornSingers) to get updates of where we are and what we're doing this weekend! Thanks and Hook 'Em!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

NUGIs Fall 2010

After a long and grueling audition process, the Longhorn Singers are so excited to welcome their Fall 2010 NUGIs!

Jen Bailey
Lee Caffee
Ezequiel Calderon
Liz Culpepper
Arun Joshi
Andi Leacock-Williams
Brittany McCrea
Cameron Mousighi
Katy Parrott
Megan Provost
Jennica Scott
Coleman Yates

Congratulations, NUGIs, welcome to our family!

Monday, March 22, 2010


( webmail wouldn't let me send this out to you, so I posted it instead.)

IT'S BANDANA MONDAY! Be really really excited!

If you need inspiration, check out these examples provided by LHS baby pictures! (Notice how the Choreographers are sporting matching bandana leg-warmers...):

Austin Hart:










I LOVE YOU! I hope you're having a great day!
See you tonight! :) :) :)

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Seize the Day!

Come check out the Longhorn Singers Spring 2010 Show!

2 Performances:
Friday, March 26, and Saturday, March 27, at 7:30 p.m.
McCullough Theatre
$10 at the door

“Seize the Day” features a variety of Broadway favorites and popular radio tunes, such as selections from Young Frankenstein, Newsies, Tarzan, Imogen Heap, A Chorus Line, Frank Sinatra, Miley Cirus and Owl City, all accompanied with coordinated, stellar dance moves.

You don’t want to miss it!

Sponsored by the Event Co-Sponsorhip Committee

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Spring 2010 NUGIS!

We are so excited to finally have our Spring 2010 NUGIs! Congratulations to:
  • Tucker Campbell
  • Alysse Fisher
  • Trevor Heim
  • Brad Kurz
  • Thomas Maples
  • David Payne
  • Robert Reed
Welcome to our family! :)

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Spring 2010 Auditions!

Hey everyone, it’s that time again! That’s right, auditions are coming up!

Unfortunately, this semester Longhorn Singers is only looking to fill male voice parts. Usually a few spots open up in the Spring for women because of graduation, current members having class conflicts, etc., however this semester that isn’t the case so we don’t have any spots that need to be filled. But if you are a girl, please come try out in the Fall! We hope to see you there!

Men, here are the details for the audition:

The vocal audition will be held in our director Tim's office. It is room 2.116B, which is an office inside the "Choral and Orchestral Ensemble's Office" (which is room 2.116) in the MRH building. Don't worry about finding the office though because we will be checking you in at a desk in the hallway and we should be easy to find.

Auditions will take place on the Tuesday/Wednesday of the first week of classes (that’s the 19th and 20th of January) during the following times.

10 AM - 10:50 AM
1 PM - 3:30 PM
7 PM - 9:00 PM

10 AM - 11:30 AM
2:30 - 5:00 PM

You will need to sign up for a 10 minute slot by sending an email to . The sooner you reply, the better chance you have of getting a time slot that works well with your schedule. Either Haley Vincent, the Longhorn Singers president, or myself will confirm your audition time when we get your e-mail. If you choose a slot that is already filled we will get back to you and work to find one that will work.

The audition will consist of a few things. You will need to have a well prepared 30 second blurb of a pop or broadway song in which you can belt (singing out loudly--an example of a bad song would be "Banana Pancakes" by Jack Johnson. A good example could be something like "Wait For You" by Elliot Yamin . The end of that song is definitely a belt.) Some of you may be saying...oh no! I don't have a belt voice! Well, don't worry. Tim just wants to hear how your voice sounds in that situation.

In addition to performing your song acapella for Tim, be prepared to vocalize in a legitimate classical tone. This just means doing scales or similar exercises using classical vowels and sound. He will also have you sight read, do rhythm exercises, and tonal memory exercises (where he plays a few notes on the piano and then you have to sing them back).

After you do all of this, Tim will immediately let you know if you are invited to come back to the dance callback.

Dance Callback:

This will take place in the main choir room, which is very close to the location of the vocal auditions. If you get a callback, just show up where you did your vocal audition and you will see a big group of us waiting.

The dance callback will take place Wednesday January 20th at 8 pm.

Our choreographer will teach you one dance, lasting about 30 seconds. You will have about 30 minutes to learn it before we actually start critiquing. If you think you are the worst dancer in the world, don't worry about it. Come and try your hardest, put a big smile on your face, and sell what you've got. We are more looking for performers because we can work a lot on dance ability with you later.

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask us. We're trying to make this process as painless as possible!

So, remember: sign up for a slot, practice your song, and get excited!

Good luck,

Scott Saunders
Vice President of Longhorn Singers

*****Also, please note that Longhorn Singers is a 1 hour credit class taken through the Butler School of Music. We meet TTH from 4-5:30. Please make sure to keep your schedules open during this time if you plan on auditioning.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Dancing Through Life

It's that time of year again! Clear your calendars for Friday, November 13 and Saturday, November 14. The UT Longhorn Singers will be presenting their 2009 fall show, "Dancing Through Life," featuring selections from Hairspray, The Beatles, Natasha Bedingfield, and Wicked. Prepare yourself for a spectacular showcase of talent as UT's official show choir sings, dances, and performs Broadway and contemporary songs from some of music's biggest names.

Shows are at 7:30 pm on both days in the McCollough Theatre on the UT campus. Tickets are $10 at the door. We will also be selling show t-shirts, so be excited!

Come see our Fall 2009 NUGIs in their LHS debut and support your favorite OLGIs as they return to the stage. We've been working hard and are expecting to have a great show! Hope to see you all there!